
Some twenty-five years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, this account of post-communist Eastern Europe offers perspective beyond a nostalgic glance back at a unique moment in time. Written by a former expat, the focus is not on young Americans living it up in Prague or Budapest, but rather on the author’s everyday interactions, work-related and personal, with Eastern Europeans who were living through profound political change. Although the book does not set out to offer a solitary theory or pat solution for recent events in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, it lays out a framework for better understanding them.

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David B. Brown, born and raised in Omaha, NE, is a lawyer who worked as a Senate Legislative Aide on Capitol Hill and later as a trial lawyer representing the indigent in Washington, DC. He left for Eastern Europe in 1996, worked for a NGO in Prague, and later taught at the university level in Prague, and the post-graduate level in Budapest and Riga. He has written juvenile-justice pieces for the Washington Post, cultural-political commentary for the Prague Post and a number of Eastern European magazines, and environmental articles for the Anglo-American University Law Forum.

Edited by Wyn Cooper.

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Copyright © 2015 by David B. Brown








